Monday, January 26, 2015

3 Months In and LEARNING

Maybe it’s just me BUT I could of swore I was the most selfless, caring, kind, and most patient person there was TILL I entered my courtship and started realizing….Mhmmmm I am not so selfless and my patience isn’t longer than the blink of an eye LOL.

5 Things I have learned about myself since I have been in my courtship...The 5 things I have learned will be at the end!

#1When it's that time of the month and I don’t want to be bothered…and he does something silly and I just want to explode and I do explode 

#2It’s just one of those days, when I want to be all alone…Don’t take it personal BUT I NEED SOME SPACE aka ME TIME BUT I still love you baby

#3When I know I am in the wrong BUT I do not want to apologize BUT I know I have to apologize and after I apologize I just want to say 

#4Ok Okay sooooooo thats how you really feel…

#5When we have an INTENSE argument and I am in my feelings/emotions

1. I explode at least once a month maybe more and he still puts up with me!!!

2. When you spend so much time with a person and realize you are not spending time with your self.  ME TIME IS A PART OF SELF CARE LADIES. Enjoy your time with yourself!

3. Pride is REAL and I have seen how dangerous it can be. Learning to apologize and humble myself is an amazing thing.

4. When my boyfriend tells me something about myself that is true BUT I am not ready to face it and I am feeling salty about it and have this look on my face that clearly states "I am salty" and I HAVE TO PRAY TO BECOME UNSALTY lol

5. I hate arguing with my boyfriend BUT I have realized sometime we just will not see eye to eye and that it is okay and it does not have to be the end of the world or world war 20. I have learned that it is about working through what ever it is we are not agreeing on. Its also about a word that is still hard for me to say #COMPROMISE !!!!!